Saturday, 18 February 2012

Filming schedule

3.30p.m- After organizing props and equipment was ready to leave the house

3.45p.m- Arrived at the location, light going very quickly so decided to do church scenes

4.15p.m- Finished church scenes

4.15p.m- The lighting was going down quickly, however the skyline was very good and had lots of purples and oranges so I decided to film a scene where there was an abandoned structure, I hope that I have achieved a lot of panning shots and have included the effects of the sky.

4.45p.m- Decided to finish filming as the lighting had gone too dark, have to postpone until tomorrow.

10.00a.m- Left the house ready to begin filming again

10.20a.m- Set up camera and began filming the graveyard scene as the lighting was perfect- however was very windy.

11.00a.m- Filming of the country lanes- I did not think these lanes would have many cars coming through however it was quite busy and became quite problematic as I wanted to video my characters walking in the center of the road. I did eventually achieve this it was just a matter of being aware of cars coming from a distance.

11.45a.m- Characters running through fields scene- do not think that I will include these as I was holding the camera and the wind was strong, the videoing is very shaky and does not look professional.

12.00a.m- Went back to the house and decided to do indoor scenes i.e. writing on the mirror and diary.

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